who you are and what you do?
Corvidae is hand crafted company producing products consisting of home goods and gift wrapping accessories. It was started by Kim, an artist with a desire to create and then gift those creations in her own unique style.
Corvidae began with a few wrapping paper designs and has quickly grown to include other products, including hand pulled screen printed tea towels. Each product features one of Kim's original designs.
All hand pulled screen printed products are hand crafted in our at home studio. All of our paper products are printed in the USA and assembled in our studio.
The growth of the business has brought about some new designs and exciting new products. This winter Corvidae will be offering Aprons & Lampshades to the product line!
how do you work and make the great things you make?
All images start as drawings in my sketchbook. When I have an image I like, I'll clean it up in photoshop, print out a transparency with a computer & printed and burn a screen so I can then screen print that drawing onto fabric.

How did you get started?
It all started on a whim, really. I was purchasing gift wrap sheets from a local boutique with a friend and she said I should just make my own gift wrap because I'm always coming up with fun doodles & designs. I started doing just that and then got into screen printing textiles.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
EVERYWHERE! Seriously! Sometimes I'll see something driving down the road or a random thought will come to me while on a run. Or sometimes, happy surprises just happen when I'm drawing in my sketch book. The world is an incredible place and inspiration is everywhere.

What are you most proud of as an artist and business person?
I'm most proud of finally achieving a dream I've had ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to grow up and be an artist and make a living at it. It's literally a dream come true. I get to make things. Everyday is so exciting and different and, even though I work SO MUCH MORE than I did in a 'regular' job, I have never been happier. Plus, I get to meet so many awesome people

Do you have any tips or suggestions for your fellow artisans and makers?
Follow your gut! So many people will say "you know what you should do/make/draw/paint/try/etc" You can go nuts trying to DO everything that non artisans/makers tell you you should do. Listen to your inner voice and trust in it and do what makes YOU happy!
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