Description of your business and what you sell.
BT Livermore loves to make stuff: prints, paintings, wood, and other functional pieces and home goods. Most of what BT makes has a focus on vintage style, fun typography, and a humorous message.

A brief bio about who you are and what you do.
BT Livermore is a multi-focus artist and maker from Butte, Montana. They love to play bike polo, drink coffee, and cuddle their dog, Carnegie. BT has been making stuff and loving it for as long as can be remembered. BT also manages the community print studio at the Imagine Butte Resource Center, and is working to open the Phoenix Fabrication Studios, a multi-function makerspace and private studio space in Uptown Butte.
Describe your creative process... how do you work and make the great things you make?
Everything starts in the sketchbook, whether printed, painted, or constructed. I’ve got a sort of one stop shop studio space where everything gets made. I’ve usually got one or two projects going on at a time, to keep it interesting.

How did you get started?
I have been making things since I could pick up a pencil or a power tool. I came from a family that was not creatively focused, but was always very supportive of my artistic endeavors, even if they were not always understood.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Ideas pop in from overheard conversations or other inspiration pulled from the aether. If I’m working on a gallery show, my sketchbook gets filled with copious amounts of notes and doodles until a theme coalesces.
Do you have any tips or suggestions for your fellow artisans and makers?
Never stop making. Even if you feel you’re in a slump for creating finished work, always be doodling and ideating until you make a breakthrough.