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August 15, 2017 1 min read

This is a new section we are working on to help artists and makers evolve and grow their business. You will find advice and suggestions on booth set-up & display ideas, marketing (social media, print, etc), product development (pricing, packaging, etc), and other ideas to help your business thrive. 

Our tool boxes contain things we find are helpful to make, design, construct, and develop new ideas. We belong to a great community of artisans and makers in Montana with an abundance of resources to encourage development. HandMADE Montana is one more tool to add to your collection. We are working on gathering information and putting together resources to help local & regional hand crafted businesses. Interested in writing a short article on a tool in your box that has helped you along the way? Send us a message and we would love to chat. 

We just recently relaunched our own website and went thru a research process to come up with the best platform for us to use. Check out our blog post about rebranding and website building to see what we chose. One of our future articles will be about graphic designing and how to best represent yourself to the world.

Stay tuned, check back often, and follow us on this journey of development in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

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