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August 13, 2017 2 min read

We have been working pretty darn hard for the last few months to get the new website up and running in addition to updating our logos, facebook page(s), and sorting out details for future plans.  Here is the inside scoop on all that is going on.


We love what we had going on our old site (, but wanted a more detailed site that we could accomplish everything we are hoping to do.  We are introducing to the world and will be adding more content all the time, so keep checking back.  The site has information about our events, resources for artists, and a way to help artists connect with each other. Interested in having your voice be heard or have some skills to share? Send us a message and let us know how you want to be involved. 



Carol Lynn Lapotka (the founder of the MADE fair) has done an amazing job coming up with the website design, color palettes, and content.  We choose to use Shopify as the new platform so we can continue to expand and a great theme from Out of the Sandbox. Both have been great to work with and more intuitive than you would think. One of our future projects will be offering consultations and advice on marketing, website design, and social media development... watch for a future blog post & announcement for more details.

Social Media

We will continue to have a strong presence on Facebook with our MADE fair Montana page as a way to stay connected for all of our events. The handMADE Montana page is a way for artists to learn about opportunities, discover information to help them grow, and to connect with other like-minded individuals. We also have set up a Buy/Sell/Trade group (handMADE Montana) to serve as a virtual classifieds for artists to sell displays, materials, and post ISO listings. This group is a way for artists to connect with each other to discuss opportunities, sell stuff (supplies, displays, gear) , and provide advice & support. Join in the fun, follow & like us, and share away.



New Logo & icons

A while back, we met with and asked the talented Josh Quick of Missoula to help us out with a new logo and icons for handMADE Montana. He came up with some great stuff for us to use for our new website,Facebook, Instagram, and all of our printed materials.


The new handMADE Montana logo has several components and is super bright and fun.

The bird in the logo is a Western Meadowlark—Montana’s Sate Bird. It is a brightly-colored songbird that sings many varied songs. Artists & Makers combine a variety of skills to build and create just like our feathered friends. The meadowlark is holding a pencil and sewing needle that represent tools just about any artist might need to fine tune their craft.


The new website has three main sections—events, resources, and community. Josh made some great icons to represent these categories and all the information they will have available to both artists and customers.

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