Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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August 10, 2017 1 min read

It is true! We are expanding the MADE fair to include one additional show this holiday season in Helena. We are excited to bring all that our events offer for artists, non-profits, the local community to the Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds on December 2-3, 2017. In addition to our new event we are relaunching our website with a name change to handMADE Montana. We will be focusing on events, artist resources and profiles, as well as incorporating a community aspect.  We are working with lots of great folks in Helena to bring the MADE fair experience to life and help support local artists and their creative endeavors at this new event. Feel free to spread the word and let folks know about this exciting news!

The MADE fairs are presented by HandMADE Montana— a professional organization for art & handcrafted goods. We organize events (MADE fairs & workshops), provide resources to artists, and encourage growth and support in our community efforts. The event is organized by Carol Lynn Lapotka {REcreate designs}, Courtney Blazon, and Sara Kauk {Design Missoula} with assistance from MADE fair ambassadors and local artists.



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