Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Huckleberry Shrub

Huckleberries are the mythical fruit of the mountain west. Infamously resistant to cultivation, these little beauties grow naturally in high elevations and along with coastal areas in the pacific northwest. The flavor profile is something like a blueberry, but far more complex, tarter, and more varied.

  • 8 oz size 
  • PREMIUM SHRUB DRINKING VINEGAR - Shrubs are old-fashioned, fruit-based drinking vinegar. These complex concoctions balance fruitiness, florality, tartness, and fermentation to create an uncommon drinking experience.
  • 100% NATURAL MONTANA INGREDIENTS - We make our Huckleberry Shrub in small batches with the finest ingredients that Montana has to offer – pressed raw huckleberries, raw Montana knapweed honey, raw apple cider vinegar, and a bit of pristine aquifer water. We never use preservatives or stabilizers – only pure, Montana-sourced ingredients.
  • Cocktail Recipies

Shivelight makes premium drinking shrubs made with Montana's fine agriculture, Montana honey, and apple cider vinegar. Shrubs are concentrated to be used in soda or cocktails.

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