Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Ginger Honey Shrub

Camas Prairie, MT, is renowned for its geological formations that resemble giant ripples when viewed from the air. These ripples sparked scientific interest, leading to the discovery of a prehistoric hydraulic phenomenon called Lake Missoula. Between 15,000 and 13,000 years ago, during the last ice age, a 2,000-foot-high ice dam caused the valley that now holds the city of Missoula to fill with water equivalent to the size of today's Lake Michigan. The ice dam would periodically break, unleashing cataclysmic floods across Eastern Washington before reforming and filling the valley again.

Today, Camas Prairie is home to Deluge Farm, where a natural hot spring with unique water chemistry allows for the cultivation of ginger—a crop typically grown in tropical regions. This ginger, the only one grown for at least 500 miles in any direction, is a key ingredient in Shivelight’s Ginger Honey Shrub. This product truly embodies the magic of the land.

Shivelight crafts this shrub by pressing raw ginger juice, blending it with raw Montana knapweed honey, and adding raw apple cider vinegar and water. The result is a product free from added preservatives or stabilizers, highlighting its ingredients' purity and natural flavors.

  • 8 oz size 
  • PREMIUM SHRUB DRINKING VINEGAR - Shrubs are old-fashioned, fruit-based drinking vinegar. These complex concoctions balance fruitiness, florality, tartness, and fermentation to create an uncommon drinking experience.
  • 100% NATURAL MONTANA INGREDIENTS -ginger, raw Montana knapweed honey, raw apple cider vinegar, and a bit of pristine aquifer water. We never use preservatives or stabilizers – only pure, Montana-sourced ingredients.
  • Cocktail Recipies

Shivelight makes premium drinking shrubs made with Montana's fine agriculture, Montana honey, and apple cider vinegar. Shrubs are concentrated to be used in soda or cocktails.

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