Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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JA Designs -Joan Wescott

I really love being a Silversmith and fabricating Jewelry from my soul! My present story is living my life with Yoga on the mat and off the mat. What this means for fabricating my handmade jewelry with silversmithing techniques is that the jewelry I design is not just about having the skill to solder or create a pair of earrings but fabricate jewelry from deep in my soul. I clear and ground myself daily with my Yoga practice before I go into my studio. This prepares me to enter my studio with the ability to focus on my designs and fabricate the jewelry pieces I desire to create. With this ritual and focus, I believe the jewelry I create is infused with and resonates with the wearer. You will find hollow animal totem prayer box necklaces, gemstones in jewelry that vibrate energy to the wearer, and yoga-inspired jewelry.


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