Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Confluence Quilts

Confluence Quilts makes hand-crafted quilts and quilted goods born on the river banks and mountain-sides, the highways and high meadows, the backyards and bookshelves of my life. I'm Ginny, and I currently live and work in the Flathead Valley, and my work is drawn from photographs and feelings from all over. Confluence Quilts is aimed at making art that you can live your life with, that will keep you company along this journey of life. Quilting is a kind of confluence, a merging of old and new. I like the inevitable history of quilts and quilted goods, the weight of them; of art that stretches back and forward, an art that becomes part of your life, an art that you pass on. I hope my work might be that for you. I’m always on my way back to the mountains, in art and in life, see you out there—

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