Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Thrive is a resource for any parent or child with any need. Our mission is to ensure all children have every opportunity to grow, succeed, and become valuable members of our community through programs that provide mentoring, education, and support. For over thirty years, we have been growing innovative and effective programs in response to the needs of local communities. Our work is centered on providing early, preventative programs and helping communities work collaboratively to support families and children. Over decades we have built and offer evidence-based/evidence-informed programs, which work together to address the entire spectrum of the parent-child relationship. These programs include The Parent Place family resource center; the Girls for a Change girls empowerment program which includes the popular Girls on the Run series; the Child Advancement Project (CAP) school-based mentoring program; Let Me Run, an affiliate running program that provides inspiration and encouragement for boys; The Parent Liaison program, supporting parents’ engagement in their children’s education and healthy development; and The Partnership Project, a full-spectrum, a home-visiting program for young families. Thrive supports over 5,000 individuals annually.


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