Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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JCZ Fine Custom Woodworking

Joseph Zehnpfennig holds degrees in Fine Arts and Design. While his major was in Painting, the focus of his work soon became woodworking. Joseph has been creating wood art items and furniture for over 50 years. As the sole owner and artist atJCZ Fine Custom Woodworking he creates wood items in a variety of genres including: Fine furniture, Rustic furniture, Wood Boxes, Mirrors and Picture Frames, Turnings (platters, bowls and urns), and Christmas crafts. For most of his life, Joseph concentrated on making things that he loved to make as gifts for the people he loves. Since his retirement as an electrical contractor, Joseph is now has much more time and is much more prolific and now has a sincere interest in sharing his work with more people by participating in craft shows.


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