Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Jasper's 3D Prints

Jasper's 3D Prints is the fledgling business of 13-year-old 3D printing enthusiast Jasper Johnstone. After creating original designs on his computer, Jasper 3D prints his creations on his two prized Prusa printers. Jasper designs a wide variety of items from toys, jewelry, and decorations, to home goods. Jasper loves to create fun, colorful, and functional items that appeal to all ages. He enjoys sharing his passion for 3D printing with others through live demonstrations. This young teenager is passionate about 3D printing, coding, electronics, and robotics. All of the money Jasper makes selling 3D prints is invested back into growing his fleet of printers and other educational technology that will prepare this aspiring young engineer for a promising future.

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