Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Compassion Project

Compassion Project is all about, you guessed it, compassion! No matter who you are and where you go, we all need compassion - for ourselves, one another, and Mother Earth.

We teach and spread compassion through the tools of art and mindfulness. Some of our favorite work is holding restorative spaces for caregivers, but we also offer workshops, training, and curricula to local schools and community organizations.

Compassion is a skill and practice that fosters deeper and more authentic connections, leading to stronger and more resilient relationships. When these relationships are nurtured, they in turn, promote more effective ways of dealing with conflict and stress, as well as lead to greater life fulfillment and satisfaction. Since 2017, we have engaged more than 7,880 Montanans in lessons on compassion that support holistic well-being!


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