Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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I am a retired graphic designer. With two cats, two kids, a husband, a house, I ski, I hike, I kayak, I read……nothing unusual in the daily life of someone living in Bozeman for 20+ years. I have always loved finding ways of seeing things that others might not see the same way or perhaps miss altogether. To that end, I teamed up with my husband, and we created Where in Bozeman, a historical scavenger hunt photo book of Bozeman. Photos from around Bozeman of things we pass by daily but perhaps never notice that contribute to the history of this beautiful place. And I have long been searching for my inner artist. I finally found her in painting uniquely Montana (mostly) themed nesting dolls and nutcrackers. A true labor of love, each one is unique from the next.

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