Spring, Summer, and Flathead Cherry Festival Applcations live Jan 15


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Little Arms Creative

Caitlin has been a crafty lady and lover of colorful things since being young. Although she was born in the flatlands of Ohio, she's lived and traveled throughout the Mountain West since graduating college and settled in Bozeman 11 years ago. It's been a circuitous path that has led to pursuing a career as a maker, with pit stops along the way leading wilderness expeditions, herding goats, crisis counseling, building houses and promoting sustainable local food systems to name a few. Her work draws inspiration from wandering alleyways, thrift stores and the wilderness. The more colors, textures and patterns she can incorporate into her artwork the better! Bringing new creations into being from things that already exist by using primarily second hand materials forms the foundation of her business. When she isn't creating, you can find her...actually, hopefully you won't because she'll be roaming the woods off-trail somewhere remote ;)


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